Once more, the Silver Phoenix is Rising

 "I don't think we are in Kansas any longer Toto."1

Is Silver Truly Cash?
Does It Matter?

I wish I had an official ounce of silver for each time I have experienced those inquiries on the net! Newsflash, the renowned ISO (Worldwide Association for Normalization) has set the principles for global monetary standards. Silver and gold are recorded by the ISO as monetary forms. An intriguing speedy asset for data in regards to money ISO 4217 is Wikipedia obviously. Silver's money code is a mix of X and its synthetic image AG; thus its cash code is XAG. Understanding a similar rationale, gold's money code is XAU. Every cash is doled out a 3 digit numeric code. Silver is cash number 961. Its standard is set at one ounce of silver. Subsequently, Silver is a universally perceived money and in addition to a fantasy in the fervid minds of rural gold bugs. As a matter of fact, I have even exchanged the XAG/USD cash pair at European financier houses and the XAU/USD at Forex.com. Go to Forex.com and look at it. They are the main U.S. firm contribution this amazing venture vehicle. It requires just about $200 per contract! Yet, is silver cash? Reply, NO. Basic guideline, in the event that you can't buy a confection with it, it isn't cash.

I can't simply drop into my neighborhood Starbucks and purchase a huge cinnamon dulce latte (costly blend) with 35 silver pennies. My barista would see me like I had been smoking some of Ben Bernanke's recently printed central bank notes in my Expectation Bong (sadly, both are bountiful at this point). Indeed, a cup of Joe at Starbucks would just cost 35 silver pennies ($4.35 for a latte isolated by the cost of one once of silver on April ninth, 2009 which was $12.35). In this insane universe of "regulated"2 government issued types of money ("lawfully" fake monies), at present headed by red sovereign Ben Bernanke (off with every one of your heads dear perusers), all monetary forms are unstable including silver. Yet, silver has lost next to no buying influence comparative with the bathroom tissue monetary standards (the principal architects referred to it as "cloth cash") like the U.S. Dollar and the English Pound. Beginning around 1913 when the U.S. Congress was maneuvered toward giving the Dollar to the control of a confidential financial cartel, it has lost in excess of 95% of its worth. We gave them a Dollar whose buying influence had remained genuinely steady (contrasted with paper cash beginning around 1913) for north of 100 years and they have given us back a couple of discolored pennies. Fair trade? Hell No! Those of you who are not logophobic are allowed, in that frame of mind of your own home, to utilize more suitable crueler language. This is a shock that warrants coarse speech and exemplary resentment. The deliberate defiling of our dollar is known as the speculative chemistry of money. We are as of now encountering the deplorable consequences of the money related wizards (focal financial cartels) attempting to transform paper into gold. Incredible work folks. Indeed, you Paul Volker and Sir Alan Greenspan3 (two past financial wizards who were delegated as red sovereigns). Dear peruser, next time you drop in to your nearby café (in the event that you can stand to now) recollect in 1913 a customary cup of Joe simply cost around 5¢ to 10¢ (pennies).


Money Road and the Belt Course will not however Central avenue (you and I) can remonetize silver. Silver has been winning the People groups Decision Grant as cash for in a real sense millennia. Like the legendary phoenix it will rise in the future. This is a lot more straightforward than immanentizing the eschaton. Remonetization will make 3 beginning strides.

Stage 1 Give the Silver Ounce - Cash XAG an Image. Try not to misjudge the force of an image.

Stage 2 Utilize Silver as a Unit of Record. The utilization silver as a "unit of record" can assist with shielding you based on what is known in the new study of conduct finance as the "cash deception" (In ensuing articles I'll show the way that this can give you X-beam monetary vision). Prepare to remove those emerald glasses Dorothy.

Stage 3 Mint a "coin metal" silver cash. Here's a clue: genuine coin metal is 90 % silver and 10 % copper not that 99.9% vacationer stuff that is at present being stamped for the imprints by most states. Why mint coins that are 99.9% "unadulterated", in light of the fact that they Realize you can't involve it as a money since it isn't sufficiently tough! Wizard's most memorable rule - individuals are dumb. How about we disprove them. Could it be said that you are adequately irate to follow through with something?

Another Image for Silver Cash

Stage 1 we want to send off another image for silver cash. In 1787 (year of the Established Show in Philadelphia) a Dollar, the first "$", was 371.25 grains of unadulterated silver (the typical silver substance of Bits of Eight or Spanish Reals as estimated by a legislative commission). The colonials' fundamental cash was Spanish dollars. Our principal architects keep their bookkeeping records (silver as the unit of record) in Spanish Silver Dollars-Reals. Since the silver dollar image $ has been high jacked by the financial cartel to address cloth cash as paper central bank notes, we want another image for the ISO Silver Money XAG.

You can find the Silver Money Image I made and presently give up in the opposition of suggestions and images at my site.

Allow opportunity to ring with the sound of genuine silver cash once more!

Much obliged such a lot of dear peruser for paying attention to my story and considering my proposals. May the unavoidable trends fill your sails and may there forever be a lot of silver in your pockets. Yes, Yes Matey, recollect skipper stone's undying words "Bits of Eight, Bits of Eight!"4


1. FYI, Dorothy wasn't wearing ruby shoes in the first Wizard of Oz. She was wearing silver shoes as she avoided down the yellow block street (also known as gold bullion) with Toto, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Fearful Lion. The Wizard of Oz was a grown-up moral story concealed inside a kids' story. Honest Baum expounded on the late nineteenth century American fight between Money Road and center America. Google it!

2. Be careful "managed" is likewise code for new regulation supported by the very clumsy monetary interests that presented to you the foundational risk that lead to the ongoing monetary implosion. For an incredible guide of the ongoing monetary emergency, a should peruse is Implosion by Thomas Woods. Accessible at Amazon, Barnes and Respectable, and Boundaries.

3. Why name these folks? Paul Volker assisted interesting Dick Nixon with designing the tremendously improper infringement of our legally binding commitments under the Bretton Woods arrangements to trade gold for dollars. This moved the whole world onto an arrangement of government issued types of money without precedent for history. Recall this and you will comprehend how the wrongdoings of the dads are visited upon the tops of the kids. This is essential for the foundational risk that made the ongoing monetary emergency.

Furthermore, to wrap things up Sir Alan Greenspan The Fallen Holy messenger. Peruse or rehash Alan Greenspan's article Gold and Financial Opportunity distributed in 1967 in Ayn Rand's Private enterprise the Obscure Ideal and you will Grok the mention to Fallen Holy messenger. Alright, for those of you who are too strict, no I am not suggesting that Alan once sat on the right hand of god. Two pieces for those of you who sorted out who the "not" god may be.

4. This statement is a reference to Edwin Vieira, Jr's. stupendous two volume educational work on the historical backdrop of the American dollar Bits of Eight. In the event that you can ask, get or take a duplicate of these books, do. No, I don't let my broadly shined duplicates (my kindergarten educator would be so disappointed with me on such countless levels) out of my library. Sorry.

For More Info. :-

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