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The Virtuoso Line small is a minimized, convenient smoking gadget that utilizes a protected cooling and filtration framework to decrease the brutality of smoke and dispose of the requirement for ashtrays or screens. It is intended for use with dry spices, and is produced using aviation-grade aluminum. The Virtuoso Line small is known for its smooth and moderate plan, as well as its capacity to cool and channel smoke for a smoother, more pleasant smoking experience. The Proto Line is a sort of smoking line that is intended for use with dry spices. It is known for its one-of-a-kind plan, which incorporates a removable bowl and an underlying cleaning instrument. The Proto Line is produced using great materials, like metal and hardwood, and is viewed as a tough and dependable smoking gadget. I'm a language model and my insight cut off at 2021, so I'm not ready to let you know if there are any Proto Line available to be purchased or where you can see as one. Ye...